» Deloris Barnack Kenner Grants Grants Range from $500 to $2,500 Apply now to the Deloris Barnack Kenner endowment fund, created to support her favorite causes and organizations serving the Perham-Dent communities. Funds must be distributed to government or nonprofit organizations for projects benefiting Perham-Dent area teachers or education-related projects. Grant Application Deadline: February 26 Learn more and apply: wcif.org/grantseekers West Central Initiative » Deloris Barnack Kenner Grants Grants Range from $ 500 to $ 2,500 Apply now to the Deloris Barnack Kenner endowment fund , created to support her favorite causes and organizations serving the Perham - Dent communities . Funds must be distributed to government or nonprofit organizations for projects benefiting Perham - Dent area teachers or education - related projects . Grant Application Deadline : February 26 Learn more and apply : wcif.org/grantseekers West Central Initiative