Clip out this coupon so you won't forget You are invited to an EN OUSE Thursday, Nov. 18, from 1-6 p.m. at Birch Lake Counseling 15 Dayton Ave. SE, WADENA, MN 56482 West annex of former United Methodist Church Bring a friend and enjoy some refreshments, music, door prizes and a brief tour of the newly remodeled offices Chuck & Carol Horsager Co-Owners Chuck, Business Carol, Lead Manager Therapist ALSO... Open House Fri., Nov. 19, 11 am-6 pm | at Birch Lake Counseling in Crosslake, Pine Ridge Plaza, 34076 Co. Rd. 3, Crosslake, MN 56442 Clip out this coupon so you won't forget You are invited to an EN OUSE Thursday, Nov. 18, from 1-6 p.m. at Birch Lake Counseling 15 Dayton Ave. SE, WADENA, MN 56482 West annex of former United Methodist Church Bring a friend and enjoy some refreshments, music, door prizes and a brief tour of the newly remodeled offices Chuck & Carol Horsager Co-Owners Chuck, Business Carol, Lead Manager Therapist ALSO... Open House Fri., Nov. 19, 11 am-6 pm | at Birch Lake Counseling in Crosslake, Pine Ridge Plaza, 34076 Co. Rd. 3, Crosslake, MN 56442