w You're Invited GRACE CONNECTION'S DEDICATION / APPRECIATION OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, JUNE 3 EVENING SERVICE - 6:30 PM Dedication will include a re-cap of the build and a baptism service. SATURDAY, JUNE 4-1 to 4 PM Pork, Chicken, Hot Dogs and all the fixings Serving starts at 1 p.m. Stick around for an afternoon of FOOD-GAMES - FUN 56303 US Hwy. 10, New York Mills, MN 56567 mygraceconnection.com w You're Invited GRACE CONNECTION'S DEDICATION / APPRECIATION OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY , JUNE 3 EVENING SERVICE - 6:30 PM Dedication will include a re - cap of the build and a baptism service . SATURDAY , JUNE 4-1 to 4 PM Pork , Chicken , Hot Dogs and all the fixings Serving starts at 1 p.m. Stick around for an afternoon of FOOD - GAMES - FUN 56303 US Hwy . 10 , New York Mills , MN 56567 mygraceconnection.com