GRACE CONNECTION'S wild game feed You killed it. critter cookin' contestou bring it t You cook it- S Friday, March 8, 2024 6 p.m. Grace Connection Church THREE CATEGORIES TO ENTER 1. RED MEAT - Chance to win a Savage 308 bolt action w/scope 2. FOWL - Chance to win a Mossberg 20 gauge pump shotgun 3. FISH - Chance to win a MarCum M1 Depth Finder Must be 18 to enter. 1 entry per person. People's Choice award for favorite dish over all! Featuring Mike Grant presenting: 60 Years Outdoors with Bud Grant. GRACE CONNECTION 56303 US HWY. 10, New York Mills, MN GRACE CONNECTION'S wild game feed You killed it . critter cookin ' contestou bring it t You cook it S Friday , March 8 , 2024 6 p.m. Grace Connection Church THREE CATEGORIES TO ENTER 1. RED MEAT - Chance to win a Savage 308 bolt action w / scope 2. FOWL - Chance to win a Mossberg 20 gauge pump shotgun 3. FISH - Chance to win a MarCum M1 Depth Finder Must be 18 to enter . 1 entry per person . People's Choice award for favorite dish over all ! Featuring Mike Grant presenting : 60 Years Outdoors with Bud Grant . GRACE CONNECTION 56303 US HWY . 10 , New York Mills , MN