JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE Member Appreciation Day ENJOY A FREE SIT-DOWN LUNCH! New York Mills: Friday, June 21, 11:30am - 1:30pm* Pulled pork sandwich, chips, cookie, milk & water NEW YORK MILLS BRANCH Perham: Friday, June 21, 11:30am - 1:30pm* Pulled pork sandwich, baked beans, chips, cookie, milk & water PERHAM BRANCH Enter for a chance to win Twins Tickets! MAGNIFI FINANCIAL We are grateful for our credit union member loyalty and support! *Available while supplies last JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE Member Appreciation Day ENJOY A FREE SIT - DOWN LUNCH ! New York Mills : Friday , June 21 , 11:30 am - 1:30 pm* Pulled pork sandwich , chips , cookie , milk & water NEW YORK MILLS BRANCH Perham : Friday , June 21 , 11:30 am - 1:30 pm* Pulled pork sandwich , baked beans , chips , cookie , milk & water PERHAM BRANCH Enter for a chance to win Twins Tickets ! MAGNIFI FINANCIAL We are grateful for our credit union member loyalty and support ! * Available while supplies last